Exclusive Breakouts

Access Talks Beginning
3 PM Central on Thursday, March 21st

Simone Rizkallah

Simone Rizkallah

A daughter of Egyptian Armenian immigrants seeks the Lord.

Fr. Samuel Morehead

Fr. Samuel Morehead

Tragedy, EWTN, and the Catechism.
Dr Michael Gama  copy

Dr. Michael Gama

Rejection, home church and son's drug addiction.

Alphonso Pinto

Dr. Alphonso Pinto

Conversion of heart through Divine grace.
Fr Boniface Hicks-1

Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB

Atheist who thinks Christianity is for the weak and stupid.

Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer

Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer

How the Word of God draws a continual conversion.
Dr. John Bergsma

Dr. John Bergsma

A Dutch Calvinist Protestant Pastor.
Dr Margaret Turek2

Dr. Margaret Turek

A simple gaze of the crucifix changed everything. 

Pia DeSolenni

Pia de Solenni

Head vs heart regarding discernment and suffering.
Dcn Colin Coleman

Deacon Colin Coleman

A romance with a woman challenges him. There has to be more.

Joseph Hollcraft

Dr. Joseph Hollcraft

Abandoned by his father, converted by St. Maximillian Kolbe.


Dr. Andrew Seeley

A loner finds real friends in The Lord of the Rings and then a True Friend in the Eucharist. 
Fr. Bob Schreiner

Fr. Bob Schreiner

A child’s desire to hide and not dust.

Christopher Carstens

Christopher Carstens

Friends quickly saved his faith.  
Josh and Hannah Meeker

Josh and Hannah Meeker

"Never Catholic". Husband and wife journey together.

Dr Ralph Martin

Dr. Ralph Martin

Desperately searching for the truth.
Fr. Chuck Dornquast

Fr. Chuck Dornquast

Benediction and dad's drug addiction.


Fr. Nathan Rueb

A lady and a sport help him ignore his call.
Stacey Sumereau

Stacey Sumereau

Broadway actress journey of detachment with Dolores Hart.
Peter Stur

Peter Stur

A dangerous journey fleeing from Communism.

Jordan Burke

Jordan Burke

Childhood trauma, rock bottom. Grace.
Chase Stephens

Chase Stephens

Overcoming a cycle of addiction.